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is like dreaming with your feet.

WE BELIEVE when we dance with complete abandonment, the joy of life is felt. Our company goal is to bring those people together who love what they do and do it well. Our company offers positions that reward you if you are creative or ambitious to make large sums of money. We offer many opportunities. 


The saying goes, “Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life,” Confucius


Simply, that is our goal for you!

We are a global startup in the entertainment industry with a focus on EDM.

DJs and Visual digital artists are welcome to join our movement. We need everything from C-Level to social media enthusiasts. Even investors are welcome. We are on the verge of rapid global growth with future IPO goals.


It's time for innovative thinking and the person we're looking for has that as a natural element.  

As stated, we are in the entertainment industry with the possibility of rapid global growth. Therefore global experience and languages are of value. That being said, if you join us all we really need is exceptional talent.

Company culture. We designed our corporate structure to reflect our values and philosophy. We use a flat organizational structure to reduce bureaucracy and empower employees with the freedom to take risks.

Senior corporate titles exist, but their owners lack the authority to command any employees directly. Instead, they only suggest policies and guidelines to put in place. In Our House We Are All Equal.

C-Level decision-making positions Click Here.

This list below is where we expect to go, It is given to offer job applicants choices. However positions in bold are needed as a priority.

Positions in red are hired. (updated as of February 2022).

Director of Assets (Will guide acquisitions and development).

Director Digital Assets (DJs, Music Programs and BREABC)

Director Digital Arts (Digital Artists, Visual Programs and BREABC)

Director Theater Acquisitions USA/Canada (Theater Installations).

Social Media Director

Social Media Specialists (TicToc and other social media).

Executive Assistants

Director over PR Agency

As Needed (Theater Acquisitions, Installations and Management).

Director Theater Acquisitions Australia/New Zealand

Director Theater Acquisitions Europe

Director Theater Acquisitions México/Caribbean 

Director Theater Acquisitions Central America

Director Theater Acquisitions South America

Director Theater Acquisitions India​

Director Theater Acquisitions Asia/Japan/China

As a whole, the EDM industry is worth approximately $4 billion per year. According to the International Music Summer (IMS) Consumer Report 2012, EDM is the fastest growing mainstream genre in the United States.
Bizarre Rave's immersive technology allows users to experience a 5D stimulation of four of the five senses while dancing to the world's top DJs. An experience that allows you to forget the ‘real’ world and instead feel a part of the virtual world they are experiencing. Our new technology allows a 5D experience without the need or use of VR headsets!

Achieving total immersion—that is, making the experience so real we forget that it isn’t—is the ultimate goal of many VR developers. That experience is here.  Get ready to join in the future of dance club experiences!
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