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Bizarre Rave Credit & Usage Requirements for News Media Agencies Only

Bizarre Rave Credit and Usage Requirements for News Media Agencies Only

*If you are non-news media and would like to utilize Bizarre Rave content, please contact us for details.

Bizarre Rave content is available to news media agencies for use in on-air broadcasts and across various media platforms as outlined below.


In order to license our content for these purposes, agencies must

1) adhere to the requirements outlined below and

2) agree to our terms and conditions.

To begin working with us, please click here to accept the Bizarre Rave terms and conditions.

Broadcast TV:


  • Bizarre Rave logo must be visible on the stream at all times; cannot be covered, altered or removed

  • Verbal credit "Courtesy of Bizarre Rave"

  • On Screen credit “Courtesy of Bizarre Rave”


Live Streaming on Social Media:


  • Bizarre Rave logo must be visible on the stream at all times; cannot be covered, altered or removed

  • Facebook Live:

    • Headline or Byline to include "Bizarre Rave"

    • "Courtesy of Bizarre Rave" in the post copy and tag @bizarrerave

  • YouTube Live:

    • Headline or Byline to include "Bizarre Rave"

    • Credit "Courtesy of "Bizarre Rave" in the video description and include a link to


Digital (Time-Lapses and Pre-Recorded Video Clips):

*For access to live video please contact us


  • Headline or Byline to include "Bizarre Rave"

  • Bizarre Rave logo must be visible on the stream and/or images at all times; cannot be covered, altered or removed




  • Headline or Byline to include "Bizarre Rave"

  • Bizarre Rave logo must be visible on the stream and/or images at all times; cannot be covered, altered or removed


All images and video are the exclusive copyright of Roy Webb Productions and Bizarre Rave, Inc. All rights reserved.

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