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The Ultimate 5D Experiencel
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Business Opportunity
There are rare moments in history and this is the moment to change the movie theater and dance club industries.
Bizarre Rave is designed to bring new audiences to theaters. With Bizarre Rave's new proprietary patented headless technology (no VR headsets required) you can physically step into a new kind of immersive experience, where virtual, augmented and physical realities become one. A new virtual augmented world of dance with a true EDM "rave trip" featuring the world's top DJs and a visual world beyond imagination
In the past year theaters have been hit hard with a double punch by the coronavirus and its effects and the competition from film companies offering major features online at the same time as being offered to theaters. This loss of revenue strain has caused theaters in many areas to completely close and others to suffer financial losses that were totally unexpected.

Bizarre Rave is designed to utilize theaters in Multiplex locations. Theaters that are being utilized with only minimum revenue or no revenue could easily and inexpensively be converted to fit the Bizarre Rave experience, as the conversion required is mainly cosmetic.

Bizarre Rave brings a new concept, a combination of a visual experience and a dance experience. With our proprietary patented standalone projectors and our immersive visual creations featuring the world's top DJs. We bring a totally new environment that will attract a large portion of the EDM audience. 

The dance market has always been large and to bring in that audience to a theater location with a new concept of visual headless technology featuring the top DJs will certainly be an attraction that on a weekly basis should bring capacity audiences to the renovated location.
 Just how large is the EDM movement. 

As a whole, the EDM industry is worth approximately $4 billion per year. According to the International Music Summer (IMS) Consumer Report 2012, EDM is the fastest growing mainstream genre in the United States.

Bizarre Rave is at the forefront of EDM experiences. Bringing an effective virtual entertainment concept that enables users to enter an environment that completely captures their senses featuring the world's top DJs . A futurist nightclub experience unlike anything before the creation of Bizarre Rave.

The concept for Bazaar Rave is unique in several factors. Our new proprietary patented headless technology creates a total immersive environment venue that is a dance club, concert hall, convention center and sports arena all in a safe controlled environment within a movie theatre.


Even before the devastating effects of the coronavirus crisis the movie chains were feeling the effects of online movie premieres. The coronavirus has had the effect of pushing that future into the present. Movie theaters are feeling that lost online revenue and are desperate and quite susceptible to our revenue-generating concept.

Now that we are moving to release the bend up energy from being held hostage by the coronavirus we see many sectors experiencing a rapid return to normal business. One area that is not seeing a strong return is movie theatres. With streaming services well established and new releases being shown online theaters may never see the audiences of the past.

Our concept brings excitement and revenue to theaters. This creates a unique moment to bring Bizarre Rave to rapid growth.  Bizarre Rave can easily generate annual revenue in the $200 to $300 million plus range just in the USA.


By establishing our formula in theaters we are able the bring new revenue, excitement and a public relations media opportunity to multiplex theaters.


Our concept allows theater owners to drastically reduce normal opening and operating expenses for running a nightclub by as much as 80%.

​The cost for liquor licenses and occupational licenses are all maintained by the theater chain, plus they experience no additional location or rental fees.


Bizarre Rave basic employee costs are also reduced and covered by the theater.


Revenue split is a concept already expected by movie chains. Industry-standard splits 55% to the film company and 45% to the theater chain.


A danceclub format in a theater would require minimum installation cost and just one of a theater chain's theaters operating as a nightclub could be considered a strong new revenue and publicity source. Most importantly Bizarre Rave offers the media a new story to broadcast on their networks. Theater owners would realize the benefit of a new recurring audience to their location. Liquor sales in a danceclub format with Bizarre Rave's expertise would bring additional revenue as well. Restaurants earn 30% to 40% of their revenue from liquor sales while nightclubs earn closer to 80%.


Since the average theater Multiplex includes several theaters it would be quite easy to dedicate one or two theaters to this new source of revenue.


In addition to the Bizarre Rave usage on Friday and Saturday as our basic  danceclub space format allows usage for other rentals such as corporate events and birthday private parties etc. As for large corporate events, we could arrange to simultaneously broadcast their main event and have employees from numerous cities attend the live event virtually with Bizarre Rave's new proprietary patented headless technology and surround sound while it is happening, adding a powerful inclusive experience. 

Normal Studios is the creative genius behind amazing new visuals for Bizarre Rave. Their work is at the cutting edge of visual technology creating projects for HBO Films, En direct de l'univers, Cirque Du Soleil, Toyota, Icelandic Opera and many others. Bizarre Rave pushes them beyond past achievements to an immersive experience, where virtual, augmented  and physical realities become one. A TOTALLY NEW ENTERTAINMENT EXPERIENCE! 
View a short video of our creative visuals.
There are approximately 200,000 cinema screens worldwide. Consider the possibilities at just 20% worldwide.
Looking at current projections it seems 2022 will be the year we reach herd immunity, depending on the effects of any new variant in the USA and around the world. Since restrictions were lifted the pent-up energy of youth is ready to once again party. Many sectors have seen quick growth back to previous levels. Theaters are the exception, they are still performing poorly. It is obvious that they need new concepts to bring new audiences.
Future Opportunities Once we have Bizarre Rave in a large number of locations we could bring other concerts or shows as special events on other nights of the week in addition to the Friday and Saturday rave events to generate additional revenues. The dance club floorplan format of Bizarre Rave is ideal for concert type shows. As concert audiences tend to prefer open floor spaces for concert experiences. Our technical systems which would be installed are designed to immensely enhance such events with expanded immersive visuals and adding to high tech sound systems in use by most movie theaters.

As an example of additional use, if an artist is holding a concert in another city we could bring that concert to our locations simultaneously in a new inclusive way. Offering additional revenue from locations their tour would not reach. Or even in cities where they will be touring as a promotional advance to generate excitement for their live event coming to that city in the future. The overall VIP seating dance club format is also ideal for private parties (birthday, graduation, etc.) It also lends itself to those business and corporate events that would benefit by arranging employees from numerous cities to attend the live event in their local city saving the high cost of travel expenses while providing an exciting, simultaneously immersive surround event.
Many sectors have seen quick growth back to previous levels. However theaters are the exception, they are still preforming below capacity . With thoughtful preparation we can be ready to bring new revenue to theatres. We have the time to prepare.  However, we should not waste time if we want to build this unique opportunity to it's full potential.
To be seen as good corporate citizens and from a personal point of value. We would like to donate a percentage of our profits to several charities. International Fellowship of Christians and Jews, St. Jude Children's Research Hospital and Wounded Warrior Project.
Looking at current projections it seems 2022 will be the year we reach some immunity in the USA depending on the Covid variants. As restrictions are lifted the pent-up energy of youth is ready to once again party.
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