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The "Ride" video below is in standard 2D.

The terms 2D, 3D, and 4D stand for two-dimensional, three-dimensional and four-dimensional respectively. They are named for the number of dimensions that they portray. 2D represents an object in just two dimensions, while 3D represents it in three dimensions. ... 4D adds the factor of time and motion to 3D. A five-dimensional space is a space with five dimensions. In mathematics, a sequence of N numbers can represent a location in an N-dimensional space. If interpreted physically, that is one more than the usual three spatial dimensions and the fourth dimension of time used in relativistic physics. 5D is the future.


The Ultimate 5D Experience!!!

Roy Webb, a major dance club conceptual artist, visionary, futurist, consultant and promoter with more than two decades of advancing new concepts for the dance club experience. Steps into the future, with a headless virtual rave sensation named "Bizarre Rave''. With Bizarre Rave's new proprietary technology you can physically step into a new kind of immersive experience, a 5D world where virtual, augmented and physical realities become one, without the need for a VR headset.

A new virtual augmented world of dance with a true "rave trip" featuring the world's top DJs and a visual world beyond imagination. Bizarre Rave is at the forefront of EDM experiences, a futurist nightclub experience unlike anything before the creation of Bizarre Rave. Imagine dancing in a 5D world !!!
As a whole, the EDM industry is worth approximately $4 billion per year. According to the International Music Summer (IMS) Consumer Report 2012, EDM is the fastest growing mainstream genre in the United States.
Bizarre Rave's immersive proprietary technology allows users to experience a 5D experience that allows you to forget the ‘real’ world and instead feel a part of the virtual 5D world they are experiencing.

Achieving total immersion—that is, making the experience so real we forget that it isn’t—is the ultimate goal of many VR developers. That experience is here.  Get ready to join Roy Webb in the future of nightclub experiences! 
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