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C-Level Execs

It's time for innovative thinking and the people we're looking for has that as a natural element. They also processes the confidence to know that the impossible is possible.


We are a Tech startup (in the entertainment industry) at the moment looking for key executive staff to help us with our initial development. We are also seeking Angel investments.


This job posting formula is unique in this way. You offer your talent and choose the position in our company that you are best suited for. Whatever position you desire to work in and you can select your salary as long as it follows standard salary guidelines. 


We are asking you to consider a long term position with the company in whatever position you desire to work in. As an element of your position we would like you to have a little skin in the game. As a C-level executive we would like you to make or find an Angel investment equal at least equal to the salary you require.  Your Angel investment will be used first to cover exclusively your salary plus 10% to the company for operational expenses. Ninety percent of your investment will remain in your control to cover your salary during the year. If at any time you wish to leave the company you may leave and take the balance of your salary fund. 

If you remain with the company a stock position will be offered at the end of the first year of employment.


Bottom line as an Angel investor you're able to join the company in the executive position of your choosing at a salary of your choosing.


You will be expected to work in your position for one year and at the end of that term. If we both agree to continue our relationship, you will be appointed to your position on a permanent basis providing we've advanced the company further along so that we can afford to pay your salary. 


If you're interested contact us for an NDA. Please state the position you're looking for and your qualifications for that position plus the salary that you're willing to Angel invest. Feel free to give yourself a raise LOL.


It's very simple if you believe in our company and you are willing to invest. We would love to have you on the team.


As stated, we are in the entertainment industry with the possibility of rapid global growth. Therefore global experience and languages are of value. That being said, if you join us all we really need is exceptional talent.


Company culture. We designed our corporate structure to reflect our values and philosophy. We use a flat organizational structure to reduce bureaucracy and empower employees with the freedom to take risks.


Senior corporate titles exist, but their owners lack the authority to command any employees directly. Instead, they only suggest policies and guidelines to put in place. In Our House We Are All Equal.

Roy Webb (CEO) In Charge of all aspects of the company.


This list below is where we expect to go, It is given to offer job applicants choices. However positions in bold are needed as a priority.

Positions in red are hired.


To start we are in most need of the basic corporate officers 


Chief Operating Officer (COO) In charge of overseeing all operations.

Chief Financial Officer (CFO) In charge of overseeing Investments.

Chief Technology Officer (CTO) HIRED

Creative Team (CCT) HIRED (Independent company developing creative).


Chief Data Officer (CDO). Responsible for a variety of functions relating to data, such as a company’s data quality and data management. The data analytics provided by CDO help to inform crucial business decisions relating to everything from marketing to quality assurance.


Chief Marketing Officer (CMO) deals with world-wide sales and all the challenges that come along, including our organization’s social media efforts and strategy.

Chief Diversity Officer (CDO). In charge of identifying and addressing any potential barriers to a diverse workforce.


Director of Assets (Will guide acquisitions and development).

Director Digital Assets (DJs, Music Programs and BREABC)

Director Digital Arts (Digital Artists, Visual Programs and BREABC)

Director Theater Acquisitions USA/Canada (Theater Installations).

Social Media Director

Social Media Specialists (TicToc and other social media).

Executive Assistants

Director over PR Agency

As Needed (Theater Acquisitions, Installations and Management).

Director Theater Acquisitions Australia/New Zealand

Director Theater Acquisitions Europe

Director Theater Acquisitions México/Caribbean 

Director Theater Acquisitions Central America

Director Theater Acquisitions South America

Director Theater Acquisitions India​

Director Theater Acquisitions Asia/Japan/China


Property Liaison Director 

Systems Technical Director/Trainer School

Area Internet Manager North

Area Internet Manager South

Area Internet Manager West

Area Internet Manager Midwest

Corporate Sponsorships Manager

As a whole, the EDM industry is worth approximately $4 billion per year. According to the International Music Summer (IMS) Consumer Report 2012, EDM is the fastest growing mainstream genre in the United States.
Bizarre Rave's immersive technology allows users to experience a 5D stimulation of four of the five senses while dancing to the world's top DJs. An experience that allows you to forget the ‘real’ world and instead feel a part of the virtual world they are experiencing. Our new technology allows a 5D experience without the need or use of VR headsets!

Achieving total immersion—that is, making the experience so real we forget that it isn’t—is the ultimate goal of VR developers. That experience is here!  
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