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The Ultimate 5D Experiencel

Goals, News and Milestones

Our new technology, patented (US Patent Issued) total immersion 360 degree projection technology for use in theatres as The Bizarre Rave Experience. This would attract both Generation Z and Millennials to theaters in large numbers, and our program brings a powerful new revenue source with no effect on normal theater operations.

2024 brought the convergence of Sora's AI technology and the Ultimate 5D Experience heralds a new era of cinematic excellence. By embracing innovation and pushing the boundaries of what's possible, we can ensure that movie theaters remain vibrant cultural hubs for generations to come. Join us in shaping the future of cinema with Sora: The Ultimate 5D Experience.



Transforming Cinema with Sora and The Ultimate 5D Experience

Sora is an AI model that can create realistic and imaginative scenes from text instructions.  Read technical report


Agreement reached with one of the world's best visual creative technology companies,
Normal Studios, Montreal Canada currently developing Bizarre Rave programs.

Hired CTO with over 30 years experience to further develop integration of theatre installation technology, requirements and budgets. Developing hiring and training programs for future expansion of theatre installation teams.

Extensive expansion of website including acquisition of Instagram, TikTok, Facebook, Twitter, Whatsapp and YouTube channel assets.

Reached out to smaller theatre owners before approaching the large cinema companies, like Cinemark, Regal and AMC which have hundreds of locations worldwide. Reached two decision-makers who are interested in our concept and have offered theatres for installation. One has theatres in Indiana and the other with theaters in seven Northeastern states for initial installation. They also asked about partnering in India where they see a large potential. They are Indian and graduated from college in India, they understand the growth of EDM in India and the potential of Bizarre Rave in India.

Goal for 2024 is to have revenue proof of concept before contacting major theatre chains. Major theatre chains have theatres in every city in the USA and hundreds theatres worldwide. They could easily agree to installations in hundreds of their theatres so we need to be ready to accept that invitation. To ensure we do not impede such an offer we need to be ready with strong proof of concept showing revenue results.

In addition to proof of concept we are utilizing time to develop the training program for installation crews. In regard to our 5D programming that is already in development by Normal Studios. Much like a feature film we can run a show in hundreds of locations simultaneously over the internet so digital distribution will not be an issue.


We will need a second round of funding to cover expansion across the USA and other areas. Of course, that should come easy as we will have proof of concept revenue to show future investors.

Currently seeking initial Angel funding to cover a small corporate location, development and basic staff and expenses. Please call our CEO. Roy Webb direct 561-667-1000. 

, Roy Webb direct 561-901-1387
Future Milestones

Bizarre Rave is designed to bring new audiences to cinema theatres in major cities across the world. With Bizarre Rave's new proprietary patented headless technology

(no VR headsets required) you physically step into a new kind of immersive experience, where virtual, augmented and physical realities become one. A new virtual world of dance with a true EDM "rave experience" featuring the world's top DJs and a visual world beyond imagination.

We expect to limit Bizarre Rave to just two or three locations in each city so as not to saturate the market. 

Future Opportunities Once we have Bizarre Rave in a large number of locations we could bring other concerts or shows as special events on other nights of the week in addition to the Friday and Saturday rave events to generate additional revenues. The dance club floorplan format of Bizarre Rave is ideal for concert type shows. As concert audiences tend to prefer open floor spaces for concert experiences. Our technical systems which would be installed are designed to immensely enhance such events with expanded immersive visuals and adding to high tech sound systems in use by most movie theaters.

As an example of additional use, if an artist is holding a concert in another city we could bring that concert to our locations simultaneously in a new inclusive way. Offering additional revenue from locations their tour would not reach. Or even in cities where they will be touring as a promotional advance to generate excitement for their live event coming to that city in the future.

The overall changes to seating to an open space dance club format is also ideal for private parties (birthday, graduation, etc.) It also lends itself to those business and corporate events that would benefit by arranging employees from numerous cities to attend the live event in their local city saving the high cost of travel expenses while providing an exciting, simultaneously immersive surround event.

The new experience age isn’t just about creating experiences — it’s about better understanding who your audience is and what they want so that those experiences are engaging.

Achieving total immersion—that is, making the experience so real 
we forget

that it isn’t—is the ultimate goal of Roy Webb's Bizarre Rave 5D Experience.

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