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The Global Market for Bizarre Rave goes far beyond borders and language. When enhanced in an environment created to expand the sensuality of the music anyone regardless of the cultural background can enjoy the creativity.

Now Bizarre Rave brings a new revenue to DJs and their fans and followers. Bizarre Rave's blockchain"BREABC" Bizarre Rave Electronic Arts Blockchain  brings
everyone access to NFT investment opportunities in one of the world's safest trading platforms the Ethereum Blockchain platform. Get more info here.

EDM Electronic Music Blockchain

When it comes to electronic dance music, it has always been more than just the music. Besides the auditory aspect of it all, the production of EDM is truly an art form. While some focus on primarily the Dj's skill and the music, fans also appreciate some of the other factors that are involved in the creative process. Songs, Lyrics, melodies, video production, album artwork, and more, creating music is actuallyt hard work. Music videos in particular require a complex amount of creativity beyond the music to achieve visuals relative to the actual song. 

Now we enter a new era with DJs bringing their art to digital blockchain.

Discover a new artistic medium. You’ve explored the world of physical art. Now, discover a creative outlet that did not exist until a few years ago. The Bizarre Rave digital NFT realm offers a creative potential that you won’t find anywhere else.


Get what you deserve - a cut of secondary NFT market sales. Bizarre Rave's blockchain"BREABC" Bizarre Rave Electronic Arts Blockchain is an artistic medium that allow you to receive a cut of NFT market sales of digital art.


On Bizarre Rave's BREABC Ethereum Gateway, whenever your artwork is bought and sold, as an artist, working through Bizarre Rave you get a percentage of the NFT sale.


Wih our BREABC technology and your talent, as the music creator and/or visual digital artist all creators share in this new exciting revenue source. There is no need to be a programmer. We handle all of the difficult technology pieces for you, meaning that selling on BREABC is as easy as having an online bank account. Still confused? Get more info on NFTs here.

Blockchain and NFTs are increasingly becoming part of the entertainment vernacular. Now we’re getting television series to launch on the crypto ledger.


Steve Aoki, the DJ and musician who founded the Dim Mak record label, has teamed up with Seth Green’s Stoopid Buddy Stoodios, the company behind Robot Chicken, to launch Dominion X. The series launched on August 2, 2021 on the NFT marketplace. Get more info here.



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