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CETV Network Inc.
CETV Network Inc.
Thank You for joining our family!
Please enter tutoring preferences and contact information.
First Name (Not Visible publicly) unless selected as Nickname.
Last Name (Not visible publicly)
Username (Not visible publicly)
Password (Not visible publicly)
Address (Not visible publicly)
ZIP Code
Mobile phone used by CETV for bookings, I agree to accept text and video messages.
Address 2 (Not visible publicly)
Email Address (Not visible publicly)
Social Security (Not required now.)
Used by CETV for payments to you.
Information below is shown on Your Business Tutor Page
Your NICKNAME is used to limit your identity. Your full name is not shown in our system for security. You may use your First name combined with your Last name initial. That is the most common choice. If not using your first and last name initial then PLEASE choice a name that is professional. It will represent you ONLINE as your identity on your business page and searches.
Your Photo
We need a headshot which is a photograph of your face, that usually includes your shoulders. It can be taken from different angles but showing most of your face. Best if the background of the photo is a plain, solid color. It includes only one person (you). Please professional attire only. File format can be either jpg or png and max file size is 15MB. Use the uplaod button to send.
Your Headline is about your qualifications
Enter your basic hourly rate as two digits in BOX BELOW
Tutors generally charge according to their level of education and experience. Normal range is $25 to $40 per hour for an elementary or high school student, and up to $85 per hour for a certified teacher with top-notch experience. Most tutor referral companies charge a fee equal to 25% of the rate charged. With Ai-Ed as a not-for-profit our fee varies between 10% and 15%
Comments paragraph(s) promote yourself and your qualifications
Please take a moment to review your answers.
Then select the submit button.

Thank you for submitting! You will receive a message once your business page is set up. Important! Please add our address to your Email Safe Senders List, Address Book or Contact List to ensure you receive our messages. Instructions HERE if you need to know how.
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