CETV Network Inc.
CETV Network Inc.
Enlightenment for One - Enlightenment for All - The AI Education Project
Our Mission:
Since 2002 our goal has been constant, to bring education to every child on the planet.
Mission 2019
Today, we see Artifical Intelligence and the internet as the way we can bring our goal to fruition. As we enter this new technological opportunity we ask you to join with us or please give what you can.
At this time most of us take technology almost for granted still we do understand and realize that what has entered our daily lives on so many levels is quite amazing. However, the children of the future even those already born this decade will not see technology as an advancement but rather as something quite normal.
Today, even tots are using tablets to talk with toys without ever considering that a toy animation of a talking animal is strange. Their acceptance is veritable. Therefore the future of artificial intelligence in education is simply to be expected, it is inevitable. So the real question is who will create the guideposts for future generations and will they do it well.
This is the opportunity we at the Children's Education Television Network accept. To guide and bring together as a dedicated tribe of responsible humans the combined creative genius to harness artificial intelligence to offer the highest level education to every child on the earth. We are focused on that mission with the confidence that others will bring the Internet to every child so we must be ready!
Articles to help understand Artificial Intelligence and the Opportunity for Education Globally.
The AI Revolution: The Road to Superintelligence
Inside the Artificial Intelligence Revolution: A Special Report, Pt. 1
Inside the Artificial Intelligence Revolution: A Special Report, Pt. 2
The Future of Artificial Intelligence in Education
Article from Forbes by Barbara Kurshan
Company Pioneering the AI Revolution
50 Companies Leading the AI Revolution