International Alliance Jewelry Exchange
"The Most ​Trusted Network of Jewelry Dealers in the World" ​
The International Alliance Jewelry Exchange is an exclusive global network of reputable member-vetted jewelry dealers and designers with a reliable, established business history. The IAJE's international online Jewelry search engine has the capacity to reach more than 270,000 global buyers. IAJE buyers worldwide are able to find reliability and the greatest value in rare and unique Estate, Vintage and Antique quality jewelry.

If you have been approved for membership, by a direct invitation, email or as a show exhibitor, you can select from a membership plan listed below.
If you do not have an membership invitation but would like to apply for membership you may also select from a membership plan listed below. Your membership will then be processed and you will receive notification to advise you if your membership application was accepted. This will also protect and guarentee the rate you selected which will be your lifetime rate. If your business is not accepted you will receive a full refund as there is no charge for processing.
Once you select a plan (box) below you will be directed to the plan's secure payment page.
If you require additional information regarding applying for membership, or listing items on www.jewelry12.com, the global jewlery search engine you can send an email to: help@iaje.net
The IAJE or any of our representatives will NEVER ask you for your credit card information. For your security we use an independent credit card processing company "2Checkout" which is one of the most secure in the world.
Ask your Internet Consultant about this special promotion.
We offer you up to $250 off your first year's membership fee. If you sponsor a dealer whom you know to be reputable with a good business history.
By inviting dealers that you know and trust saves both time and money in the vetting process. So we are pleased to pass those savings directly back to you.​
That brings your annual membership to less than one dollar per day!
Prospective new members do not need to accept membership or be accepted for you to receive the special promotional discount. All we ask it that you send out the invitation and make a call to invite them.​​​​ This special promotional rate must be made in one payment of $290.
Saving you $250.00 on your membership.
​​Plus you will also lock in your annual membership rate at the maximun of $390. therefore NEVER having to worry when rates go higher.
When you pay your membership fee with one annual payment, it saves the monthly accounting and billing costs.
So we are pleased to pass $150 of those savings directly back to you.​
​​Plus you will also lock in your annual membership rate at the maximun of $390. therefore NEVER having to worry if rates go higher.
This rate is the lowest cost paid by month. You are charged just $45 dollars each month and you can cancel at the end of any month without penalties.
If you consider the tremendous number of benefits, any one of the plans are well worth many times the small fee.
We have a 100% satisfaction policy. If you are not 100% satisfied with your membership, you may cancel at anytime without penalties. All billing will be discontinued at the time your request for cancellation is received and before the next billing period.
Choose Your Membership
​Cancellation Policy​