International Alliance Jewelry Exchange
"The Most ​Trusted Network of Jewelry Dealers in the World" ​
The International Alliance Jewelry Exchange is an exclusive global network of reputable member-vetted jewelry dealers and designers with a reliable, established business history. The IAJE's international online Jewelry search engine has the capacity to reach more than 270,000 global buyers. IAJE buyers worldwide are able to find reliability and the greatest value in rare and unique Estate, Vintage and Antique quality jewelry.

Dealer members must be invited by the Board of the IAJE or recommended by a member in good standing and approved by the Board of the IAJE before they are listed as authorized dealers.
Authorized member dealers may list their jewelry items in the IAJE’s international auctions and there are no insertion charges
Dealers and Designers
​saving thousands of dollars. The IAJE jewelry, watch and coin auctions currently reach more than 270,000 global buyers. More information is available in FAQs under Auctions.​

​​ IAJE member dealers are listed in the exclusive, worldwide dealer database maintained by the IAJE directing buyers to their business. Dealers can display the coveted seal of the IAJE at the entrance of their business and in their advertising to show that they are vetted, trusted dealers in the global marketplace. They also receive a high-definition video to improve mobile effectiveness. ​
 With IAJE membership your business is assured the benefits of the worldwide marketing, promotion and the educational resources of the IAJE.​ Every member of the IAJE is assigned a personal Internet Consultant to ensure that they receive the maximum value and benefit from their IAJE membership.
​ Your personal Internet Consultant is assigned to you at no additional cost, as this value is included with your membership. This saves you hundreds and in many cases thousands of dollars and ensures you are on top of the important marketing trends.
​ Since it is true that many of the traditional marketing and advertising methods are not as effective as in past years, your Internet Consultant will work with you to update your marketing expenditures. This will ensure that dollars spent are effective, which can save you thousands and improve the effectiveness of your marketing.
There is a revolution going on and it's happening on a global scale. Buyers are migrating to digital channels (web, mobile, social, email) and this has profound implications for your business. Either you join the revolution, or it will pass you by.
The Internet, social media, smartphones and other technologies have changed the way we all do business.