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International Alliance Jewelry Exchange
"The Most ​Trusted Network of Jewelry Dealers in the World" ​
The International Alliance Jewelry Exchange is an exclusive global network of reputable member-vetted jewelry dealers and designers with a reliable, established business history. The IAJE's international online Jewelry search engine has the capacity to reach more than 270,000 global buyers. IAJE buyers worldwide are able to find reliability and the greatest value in rare and unique Estate, Vintage and Antique quality jewelry.

The IAJE brings the future to its dealers as the single, most powerful and important marketing advancements for jewelry dealers and designers in more than a decade.

With the exclusive focus on bringing buyers, collectors and dealers together on the global stage, the IAJE combines the incredible technological resources of modern marketing, the Internet, Social Media, Mobile Technology and Web Analytics together for the benefit of its membership.
Authorized member dealers may list their jewelry items in the IAJE’s International online jewelry superstore, The IAJE search engine features unique, quality jewelry, watch and collector coins and reaches more than 270,000 global buyers.​​
Dealers can display the coveted seal of the IAJE on their website, at the entrance of their business and in their advertising to show that they are vetted, trusted dealers in the global marketplace.

They also receive guidance in social media and internet marketing included with annual membership as well as a high-definition video to improve mobile and SEO Google search ranking.​
Whether it's figuring out how to build out an audience on social media, learning how to create effective marketing using Facebook, Twitter, Manta, Pinterest, Instagram, LinkedIn, Google Plus, Hangouts, Youtube, Yelp, Flickr, Photobucket, Tumblr, Blogger or email, We maintain an army of talent to keep up with the rapid growth of Mobile and Online Marketing.
We focus on Mobile, Internet Marketing, E-Commerce and M-Commerce.
We know what kind of challenges you're up against trying to keep up with the fast-paced online and mobile marketing world. Our goal is to allow you to focus on selling jewelry not technology.
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