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International Alliance Jewelry Exchange
"The Most ​Trusted Network of Jewelry Dealers in the World" ​
The International Alliance Jewelry Exchange is an exclusive global network of reputable member-vetted jewelry dealers and designers with a reliable, established business history. The IAJE's international online Jewelry search engine has the capacity to reach more than 270,000 global buyers. IAJE buyers worldwide are able to find reliability and the greatest value in rare and unique Estate, Vintage and Antique quality jewelry.

The IAJE is an invitation-only membership group comprised of some of the very best jewelers, designers and visionaries in our business. We encourage members to work together as a fraternity to enhance the business for all members of IAJE and to assure our buyers worldwide trust and value.
However, we must limit our membership in order to provide the most effective service to our dealers and buyers. If we grow too large, we dilute our focus on service and quality.
Invitation is only offered to reputable dealers as we limit membership to established professionals with a solid business history. You must be invited directly by the IAJE or by an IAJE member in good standing. If you would like information please contact: ​​
By joining the IAJE you become part of the most trusted dealer network in the world and gain access to our exclusive global jewelry search engine, bringing thousands of potential new customers to your business.
There is a revolution going on and it’s happening on a global scale. Buyers are migrating to digital channels (mobile, social, email, Internet), and this has profound implications for your business. Either you join the revolution, or it will pass you by.
It is also true that many of the traditional marketing and advertising methods (i.e. classified advertising) are not as effective as in past years. The Internet, smart phones and other technologies have changed the way we must do business.
This is a quandary for those who do not have the expertise to be on top of the fast changing mobile and social media marketing environment. Today you need to be taking advantage of mobile, marketing analytics, email automation, search optimization, blogging, Facebook and several other important social media outlets because it is one of the most valuable opportunities to find new customers and is effective and inexpensive compared to traditional marketing.
By joining the IAJE, you connect with global power of our worldwide membership bringing very powerful forces to substantially increase the potential profitability of your bottom line.
For the first time in history we have crossed the mobile line and now more searches for products and information are done via mobile then on desktop computers and this is just the beginning!
Is your business mobile ready? With IAJE membership your customers are assured of a mobile friendly experience, every time. This is critical for the growth of your business.
There are numerous recognized dealer benefits, now you can market knowing you have the expert guidance required to utilize the rapid changes in online marketing to keep your business competitive with mobile, social and online technologies for less than a night out at a good restaurant!
IAJE's Mission: "To promote the worth of each of our member's businesses, primarily by bringing the most up-to-date, proven technologies of value to the retail jewelry industry. Simply, our goal is to bring more customers to your business with technology.
When we do our job well, we are able to ensure our company's growth, take care of our employees and contribute to the world in charitable ways".
Just one new customer directed to your business would in almost every case completely cover the entire cost of annual membership several times over! The benefits of membership are numerous.
We believe you would be unwise to pass on this membership opportunity. The IAJE does not open its membership enrollment very often because it is important to our current members that they have some exclusivity in their given markets. Therefore only a select few from each area are offered membership.
With your membership in the IAJE you can easily reach a customer on the other side of the world. Through our online globally marketed superstore you can now reach new customers anywhere!
The IAJE also has invested significant monies to develop and operate one of the most sophisticated, focused and exclusive jewelry sites in the world, devoted solely to the jewelry industry. We can reach more than 270,000 buyers in over 120 countries.
Your membership dollars are at work! The combined resources of the IAJE allow us to hire the most effective global marketing experts and companies to ensure the IAJE is on top of the fast changing digital world. We provide proven, effective and powerful guidance to increase the value of your business and bring you more customers.
You will find no greater value for your business. Our philosophy has always been to bring the strongest marketing values to our member dealers and the highest quality to our online buyers.
With membership you will keep your business well ahead of the technology required to succeed in today’s fast-paced online, mobile world.
Consider the cost to just market and advertise your website, social media specialists, reputation marketing, search engine placement, mobile convertibility and video presentations which are all are necessary and can easily run into thousands of dollars. With your IAJE membership you can utilize new marketing and advertisng proven to bring results to your bottom line.
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