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The facts are simple: theater owners are experiencing loss of revenue from natural threats like weather etc. Still the biggest threat and more permanent one is from online viewing. Film producers have developed online audiences and see revenue and audience growth so they will continue down that road.
Theater owners need to bring more control back to their hands so they are not waiting for the occasional Marvel film for revenue. New seating and other additions are not enough to attract GenZ and Millennials and they are the future that must be entertained in a new way or they will stay home with gaming and VR headsets.
We bring a totally new proven experience with 360 total immersion technology. Add in the power of EDM music, an amazing visual headless environment and you have the formula wanted and needed to satisfy the Gen Z and Millennial audience. If you invest just a few minutes to understand our new technology, I can virtually guarantee that your theater revenue could increase by at least 180%

Our concept takes your lowest earning theater space and changes it into a weekly Blockbuster revenue earning theater with no effect on your normal theater operations. Research shows young adults will not be restrained by fear or facts when it comes to their entertainment. Our unique 5D technology would bring the young adult market to theaters weekly. 

We change the floor plan to an open space concert floor which doubles the capacity as the audience is standing and dancing not sitting.

At the minimum, we double the normal ticket price and increase liquor revenue by 70%.  We choose theaters carefully to avoid oversaturation and guaranteed strong weekly audiences.

Use the calendar below to book your call to confirm your interest.
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 Bizarre Rave
The Ulimate 5D Experience

Locations will be limited to one or two locations in each city. To join our exclusive group (theatre owners only) FIRST complete form HERE. Schedule a call with our CEO Roy Webb, below.

CLICK HERE to Book a call at your Convenience on the Calendar


To ensure success we limit to one or two theatres in each city.

To learn more simply schedule a call.

Owners can take low revenue theatres to a new weekly Blockbuster level with our
Innovative Technology.  

Bring high revenue to low performing theatres while NOT effecting normal theatre operations. We are a new entertainment technology that can easily be experienced in cinema spaces. Each week we feature a new 5D experience. With our innovative patented technology, our goal is to be at the forefront of 5D technology. We strive to enhance our users’ entertainment experiences well beyond their expectations. Founded in 2020, our experienced team of engineers, programmers and designers have worked tirelessly to bring Bizarre Rave Enterprises to the forefront of EDM entertainment.

We will continue to work relentlessly to become the technological leader, providing technology insights and solutions for cinema theater owners and the loyal EDM audience. Bizarre Rave Events are unlike anything that existed before. Bizarre Rave Enterprises is continually building upon its technology, to remain on top of all new immerse technologies to entertain audiences. View 90 second video below to learn about The Bizarre Rave Experience.
At Bizarre Rave Enterprises, our patented technological immersive solutions bring "HEADLESS VR" (no headsets required) to help theater owners to achieve greater revenue success. Our programs have a wide range of features that were created with an aim to bring consistent Blockbuster level audiences to low performing theater spaces while not effecting normal theater operations. Empowering cinema owners with independent new sources of revenue. 
We put audiences into our 5D immersive experience without the need of headsets. The 90 second video below CAN NOT REPLICATE a 5D visual experience but it will give you an idea of the possibilities.
View Full Screen for best Effect
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