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The Ultimate 5D Experience
Join the amazing new experience in 360° Technology 5D Entertainment

Who is Roy Webb?


Bizarre Rave is about music so the market potential is global. What is the biggest threat for movie theaters? Of course Covid had devastating effects but Covid just expedited the real threat, online viewing.

We have a solution and a unique investment opportunity. With production companies releasing films online. Most people are content with the're online home viewing experience. That is the present reality and the future. Networks see their viewer base and profits growing substantially online so they will continue in that direction.

Cinema owners cannot avoid the reality of online distribution, future viruses or other forces of nature. That realty gives theater owners a unique advantage. Cinema owners need a solution and a reliable source of income to simply survive. We offer a 5D intense immersive 360° experience that generates lucrative weekly income. Our proprietary patented projection system and our partnership with one of the world's most amazing digital creation companies brings theatre owners....



 (immersive 360° visuals without the need of headsets).










Our initial investments have taken us far however, now is the time for an Angel investment for national theater installations in the USA and to position ourselves for future expansion and global opportunities. For information scan your QR code.

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Wish to speak with our CEO Roy Webb. Book your Call  Here 
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