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July 4th, 2024

Company Philosophy & Production Guidelines (Written in Stone)

At Roy Webb Productions, we adhere to a set of principles that guide our productions and define our company culture. Our goal is to create entertainment that captivates and resonates with audiences while upholding integrity, inclusivity, and neutrality. These guidelines apply to all employees, from the C-Level down, as well as any content created by outside parties, including DJ programs developed by DJs.

Inclusivity and Respect

We value diversity and strive to represent a wide range of perspectives, cultures, and backgrounds in our productions. We treat all individuals with respect and dignity, fostering an environment where everyone feels valued and included.


Neutrality and Balance

Extremism, bias, and advocacy have no place in our productions. We believe in presenting balanced viewpoints and avoiding the promotion of personal beliefs or agendas. Our content aims to entertain without imposing ideologies or agendas onto our audience.


Tolerance and Open-Mindedness

We embrace openness and tolerance, recognizing that people may hold different beliefs and opinions. We encourage dialogue and exchange of ideas while maintaining a respectful and non-judgmental atmosphere.


Quality and Excellence

We are committed to producing high-quality entertainment that engages, inspires, and entertains audiences worldwide. Our focus is on creative innovation and technical mastery in all aspects of our productions.


Responsibility and Accountability

We understand the impact our content can have on society and strive to be responsible stewards of our influence. We take accountability for the messages conveyed in our productions and aim to contribute positively to cultural discourse.


Continuous Improvement

We are dedicated to ongoing learning and improvement, seeking feedback and actively evolving our practices to better serve our audience and uphold our values.


Collaboration and Teamwork

We believe in the power of collaboration and teamwork. Our productions are the result of combined efforts, creativity, and expertise from all team members. We support and uplift each other to achieve common goals.


Ethical Conduct

We adhere to the highest standards of ethical conduct in all our business practices. Honesty, integrity, and transparency are the cornerstones of our interactions with clients, partners, and colleagues.

In summary, at Roy Webb Productions, we believe in creating entertainment that entertains, enlightens, and enriches lives, while respecting the diversity of perspectives and upholding principles of neutrality, inclusivity, and excellence.

Dancing is like singing with your feet.


Acknowledgment and Agreement

By signing below, I acknowledge that I have read and understand the Company Philosophy and Production Guidelines of Roy Webb Productions. I agree to uphold these principles in my role within the company, ensuring that our productions reflect the values of inclusivity, neutrality, respect, quality, responsibility, continuous improvement, collaboration, and ethical conduct.


Employee/Collaborator/DJ Signature: ___________________________________________

Employee/Collaborator/DJ Name: _______________________________________________

Position: _________________________________________________________________________

Date: _____________________________________________________________________________

CEO Signature: __________________________________________________________________

CEO Name: Roy Webb


Date: _____________________________________________________________________________


This document serves as a commitment to maintain the high standards and ethical principles that define Roy Webb Productions.

Dancing is like singing with your feet.

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