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Agreement for Creative Collaboration between DJ and RWP for RWP Presentations

This Agreement ("Agreement") is made and entered into as of [Date] between Roy Webb Productions, hereafter referred to as "RWP", represented by [Representative's Name], and [DJ's Name] ("DJ").

Agreement Terms:

  1. Collaboration Overview: DJ, in most cases, will create complete programs, encompassing music and visuals, for RWP presentations ("Content"). He may use AI technology or, in cases of collaboration with other creators, profit-sharing will be based on the DJ's 2.5% share, which represents their 100%. DJ can negotiate agreements with other artists based on these terms. Potential revenues are suggested below.

  2. Ownership: The Parties acknowledge and agree that the DJ owns the complete program, including all music, graphic elements, and video content created for the program. The DJ ensures that all necessary copyrights are secured and is responsible for protecting RWP from any and all disputes over copyrights. It is the DJ's responsibility to ensure to RWP that he has all rights to any program submitted to RWP for use in RWP events.

  3. Exclusive Use of Materials: All parties agree to the exclusive use of submitted materials for exhibition by RWP in its presentations. However, individual artists retain the right to use their creative material in all other formats except for cinema theater presentations. Exceptions to this clause may be negotiated.

  4. Responsibility for Costs: All creative production costs for their program, including design and multimedia content creation, are the responsibility of the DJ. The DJ programs remain the exclusive property of the DJ and may be utilized at other locations as deemed appropriate except for cinema theaters; however, exceptions may be negotiated.

  5. Dispute Resolution: The DJ is responsible for securing all copyrights and ensuring that they have obtained all necessary rights to the creative materials from all contributing artists. The DJ affirms that any programs submitted to RWP are free of copyright disputes. Should any disputes arise, RWP shall have no liability. The DJ is responsible for protecting RWP from any and all disputes over copyrights.

  6. Rights Granted to RWP: RWP is granted the right to use all materials presented from any shows without limitation of time or frequency of use. RWP will retain the rights to use the programs anytime in the future without restrictions as long as DJ is compensated in accordance with this agreement. All payments will be made according to the agreement for use submitted to RWP by the DJ.

  7. Royalties: 7.1. The DJ and other collaborators contracted under the DJ shall receive 2.5% of the gross revenue received by RWP from the use of their programs in RWP presentations, excluding fees paid to theater operators.

    7.2. All payments will be distributed according to the agreement for use submitted to RWP by the DJ.

  8. Termination: Either party may terminate this Agreement with 180 days' written notice. Termination shall not affect rights accrued before termination, including the rights of RWP to continue using the Program in accordance with the terms herein.

  9. Indemnification: The DJ agrees to indemnify, defend, and hold harmless RWP, its affiliates, and their respective directors, officers, employees, and agents from and against any and all claims, liabilities, losses, damages, costs, and expenses (including reasonable attorneys' fees) arising out of or related to any breach of this Agreement by the DJ or any claims that the Content infringes upon any third-party rights, including intellectual property rights.

  10. Governing Law: This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of Florida.

  11. Miscellaneous: 11.1. Entire Agreement: This Agreement constitutes the entire understanding between the Parties concerning the subject matter hereof and supersedes all prior agreements and understandings, whether written or oral, relating to such subject matter.

    11.2. Execution in Counterparts: This Agreement may be executed in counterparts, each of which shall be deemed an original, but all of which together shall constitute one and the same instrument.

    11.3. Potential DJ Earnings:

    • Revenue Sharing Calculation: DJ earnings are based on 2.5% of RWP's gross revenue from ticket sales, excluding payments made to theater owners. Estimated earnings average approximately $60 each time a program is used in a show.

    • Potential Earnings per Show: With up to three shows per night and two shows per weekend at each location, the DJ stands to earn approximately $60 per showing.

    • Annual Revenue Estimate (Per Theater): This translates to an estimated annual revenue of about $18,720 per theater, based on 52 weeks of operation and assuming consistent show frequency.

    • Revenue Potential for 100 Theaters: Across 100 theaters, the total annual revenue potential for the DJ is approximately $1,872,000 based on the above calculations.

    Please Note: Potential DJ Earnings are estimates and do not guarantee final payments to the DJ. However, ticket sales will be accurately recorded and form the basis for revenue calculations.


Roy Webb Productions: Signature: ___________________________________


Print Name: _________________________


Date: _______________________________

DJ: Signature: ___________________________________


Print Name: _________________________


Date: _______________________________


This Agreement constitutes the entire understanding between the parties regarding the Program and supersedes all prior agreements, whether written or oral, relating to the subject matter herein.

Please fill in the appropriate details where indicated (such as dates, names, and addresses) and obtain signatures from all parties to finalize the agreement.

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