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Creative Team
At the start, we already have access to abstract 360° video and will use AI tech to generate several effects for our company library.

In the future wwe will want to create a 360° abstract video with the capabilities of artificial intelligence, we would need a team with diverse skills. Below are the key job titles, their responsibilities, and approximate salary ranges (based on data from sources like Glassdoor and Payscale):


### 1. **Creative Director**

   - **Responsibilities**: Oversee the conceptualization and creative vision of the project, ensuring all elements align with the artistic direction.

   - **Salary**: $90,000 - $150,000 per year


### 2. **3D Animator/Modeler**

   - **Responsibilities**: Create and animate 3D models and environments; work with textures and materials to bring abstract concepts to life.

   - **Salary**: $60,000 - $100,000 per year


### 3. **AI/ML Engineer**

   - **Responsibilities**: Develop and implement AI algorithms and models to generate abstract visuals and effects; integrate AI tools into the production pipeline.

   - **Salary**: $100,000 - $160,000 per year


### 4. **Video Editor**

   - **Responsibilities**: Edit and stitch 360° footage; ensure smooth transitions and high-quality final video output.

   - **Salary**: $50,000 - $80,000 per year


### 5. **Programmer/Technical Director**

   - **Responsibilities**: Handle technical aspects of integrating AI with video production tools; develop scripts and automation for efficient workflow.

   - **Salary**: $80,000 - $120,000 per year


### 6. **Sound Designer**

   - **Responsibilities**: Create or source abstract soundscapes; edit and synchronize audio with video content.

   - **Salary**: $50,000 - $80,000 per year


### 7. **Compositing Artist/VFX Artist**

   - **Responsibilities**: Add visual effects and compositing to enhance the final video; ensure seamless integration of all visual elements.

   - **Salary**: $60,000 - $100,000 per year


### 8. **Project Manager**

   - **Responsibilities**: Manage the project timeline, coordinate between team members, and ensure the project stays on track and within budget.

   - **Salary**: $70,000 - $110,000 per year


### 9. **UX Designer (Optional)**

   - **Responsibilities**: Ensure the final 360° video provides an engaging and user-friendly experience, especially if it involves interactive elements.

   - **Salary**: $70,000 - $110,000 per year


### Team Structure Example:

1. **Creative Director** - Oversees the overall project.

2. **3D Animator/Modeler** - Responsible for creating and animating the visuals.

3. **AI/ML Engineer** - Develops AI-generated content and tools.

4. **Video Editor** - Edits and compiles the 360° video.

5. **Programmer/Technical Director** - Manages technical integration.

6. **Sound Designer** - Creates the audio elements.

7. **Compositing Artist/VFX Artist** - Adds final visual effects.

8. **Project Manager** - Coordinates the project timeline and tasks.

9. **UX Designer** (Optional) - Enhances user experience for interactive elements.


### Approximate Total Budget for Salaries:

- The total annual salary cost for this team could range from approximately $560,000 to $910,000, depending on experience levels and location.


This team setup ensures that all aspects of creating a 360° abstract video using AI are covered, from creative direction to technical execution and project management.

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