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Agreement for Installation and Operation of Roy Webb Productions 5D, 360-Degree System

This Agreement ("Agreement") is entered into as of [Date]___________________, by and between Roy Webb Productions (hereinafter referred to as "RWP"), and [Name of Cinema Theater Owner(s)] ________________________________________________ (hereinafter referred to as "Theater Owner(s)").

1. Installation and Operation:

1.1 Installation Cost and Payment:
RWP agrees to install its 5D, 360-degree system in the theater(s) operated by Theater Owner(s) for the purpose of producing weekly events. The minimum installation cost per location for the system is $70,000, to be paid in advance by Theater Owner(s) to RWP upon signing this Agreement. This cost includes all expenses related to the system installation unless otherwise specified.

1.2 Equipment Installation:
RWP will cover all costs for the installation of 360° projector equipment, 360° screens, and other equipment such as DJ equipment, fog machines, and fake snow machines needed to create effects for the program.

1.3 Renovation Costs:
Theater Owner(s) agree to absorb all renovation costs required to refit each theater to RWP specifications. Renovation costs shall be agreed upon by both parties and documented in writing prior to commencement. Reasonable renovation costs required to refit theaters to RWP specifications can be recouped over time using the following formula: event income will remain at 70% for Theater Owner(s) and 30% for RWP until the renovation costs are fully recouped. Thereafter, revenue will be split evenly (50% for RWP and 50% for Theater Owner(s)).

1.4 Event Schedule and Ticket Pricing:
The events will include three shows per day, typically on Friday and Saturday nights, with the following schedule:

  • 8 PM to 10 PM

  • 10 PM to Midnight

  • Midnight to 2 AM

Ticket prices will be structured as follows:

  • $19 for one show

  • $29 for two shows

  • $39 for all three shows

Patrons can enjoy a full evening by purchasing tickets for two or more shows, with short breaks between each performance. An in-house DJ will keep the energy high during these breaks, providing a nightclub-like continuity throughout the experience. Ticket prices may be adjusted by RWP as needed for different event nights. RWP will also have a promotion called "the golden ticket," which will allow free admission to certain VIP guests. The number of shows and days may change as needed, and such changes will have no effect on this contract.

2. Revenue Sharing:

2.1 Income Distribution:
Income generated from RWP's future performances and events, including liquor revenues, will be shared equally (50% for RWP and 50% for Theater Owner(s)).

3. Maintenance and Operational Costs:

3.1 Building Maintenance and Operational Costs:
Theater Owner(s) will be responsible for all building maintenance and operational costs required for their multiplex operations, including ticket sales for RWP events.

3.2 Additional Event Expenses:
Any additional expenses required for RWP events, such as extra security, VIP staff, and local host disc jockey will be considered reasonable expenses and shared equally by RWP and Theater Owner(s) and deducted from each RWP event's gross revenues.

4. Creative Production Costs:

4.1 Responsibility for Costs:
All creative production costs for RWP and Bizarre Rave events, including artistic direction, stage design, and multimedia content creation, are 100% covered by RWP. These events remain the exclusive property of RWP and may be utilized at other locations as deemed appropriate by RWP.

5. Marketing and Advertising Expenses:

5.1 Responsibility for Marketing:
Marketing and advertising expenses for RWP's events are typically paid by each theater location. However, any agreed specific marketing and advertising budgets for RWP's events may be recouped from revenues from each event prior to event revenue sharing and considered a shared expense.

6. Governing Law and Dispute Resolution:

6.1 Governing Law:
This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the state in which the theater is located.

6.2 Dispute Resolution:
Any disputes arising out of or related to this Agreement shall be resolved through binding arbitration in accordance with the rules of the American Arbitration Association. All arbitration will take place in Florida.

7. Duration and Termination:

7.1 Term of Agreement:
This Agreement will continue until either party wishes to cancel by giving a 12-month notice in writing. Early termination may occur under exceptional circumstances as agreed upon by both parties.

7.2 Post-Termination Use of Concepts:
If canceled by Theater Owner(s), they agree not to utilize any part of RWP's basic concepts for a period of five years following termination.

7.3 Rights Retention Post-Termination:
RWP retains the rights under this agreement on a theater-by-theater basis as each theater location is unique, and termination at one location will not affect other locations. Once notice of cancellation is given, RWP may decide to continue at the canceled location during the post 12-month period. Theater Owner(s) have no rights or control over RWP programs or productions, and all payments will end once RWP no longer uses any Theater Owner(s) location. RWP retains the exclusive rights to exhibit RWP programs as Theater Owners have no rights to any creative content, program, or productions as they are the exclusive property of RWP.

8. Miscellaneous:

8.1 Entire Agreement:
This Agreement constitutes the entire understanding between the Parties concerning the subject matter hereof and supersedes all prior agreements and understandings, whether written or oral, relating to such subject matter.

8.2 Execution in Counterparts:
This Agreement may be executed in counterparts, each of which shall be deemed an original, but all of which together shall constitute one and the same instrument.



Roy Webb Productions:

Signature: ___________________________
Print Name: ___________________________
Title: _____________________________
Date: _____________________________

Theater Owner(s):

Signature: ___________________________
Print Name: ___________________________
Title: _____________________________
Date: _____________________________


Please ensure all relevant details are filled in and signatures are obtained to finalize the agreement.

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