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Basic Information 5D Technology

Are you aware that major theater chains are looking to consolidate? Smaller competitors who have been weakened by recent events are vulnerable. However, there is a new opportunity for theater owners.


New Immersive patented 5D technology is poised to come on strong. This virtual technology is experienced without the need for headsets bringing audience into a virtual 360°.concert experience using patented projection systems installed by Roy Webb Productions to feature our fresh new weekly content. Projection technology is financed by Roy Webb Productions without affecting theater's current production equipment. Limited locations are selected to ensure low saturation in each city.


Those who attended CinemaCon saw that High Dynamic Range (HDR) is certainly powerful but it is still an experience format visually similar to the norm. While immersive visuals take audiences to a whole new 360° level.that audience are ready to pay $40 per ticket as proven by 360°.exhibitions like "Beyond Van Gogh"..


A unique opportunity has presented itself as we were discussing the use of our technology with Cinemark. Those discussions have been put on hold while Cinemark may be pursuing a possible acquisition or change in its company structure. Due to this freeze, we are free to reach out to other theater owners to bring our Immersive 5D technology to their theaters.


Are you interested in having our revenue generating technology in one of your smaller theaters? It will not affect normal operations in the larger theaters in a multiplex. Theater owners will continue to feel revenue loss from online viewing and can not depend on studios blockbusters. New sources of revenue are required to survive.


With our new 5D technology we bring blockbuster size audiences to smaller low performing theaters without affecting normal theater operations. Would you like to be one of the exclusive locations in your city?


Once your theater is accepted in a city no other theater will be accepted in your area. It will bring you a substantial competitive advantage.


To confirm your interest you should reply to this message as we are now able to accept on a first come basis.


Our concept removes 50% of current seating in a smaller theater to create an open concert floor space. This minimum change increases the capacity of a small 50 seat theater to a capacity close to 300 in a concert style where people are standing, Creating the ultimate party room with futuristic technology.


That means in one evening we would sell out the theater six times above current capacity with a minimum ticket price of $30 your revenue would be $20 x 300 = $6,000 each night so just on Friday and Saturday you would net appomitmitley $12,000.00 plus substantial additional revenue from liquor sales (minimum $3000 per night X 2 = $6000) and additional revenue from VIP seating in the top three rows. Total monthly revenue estimate is $72,000 considering what that small theater is earning now this is a powerful investment to bring revenue back to your control, no longer dependent on waiting for the next blockbuster.


We bring our 360° patented Immersive 5D projection technology with a new visual experience every week.


Your renovations requirements are basic:

Removal of some seating.

Paint theater with Digital Image Screen Paint for our 360° projection.

No change to the current theater screen or sound system.

Installation of portable bar if able to serve liquor.

Installation of inexpensive fog machine and dance floor lighting.

Other minor changes based upon the particular theater.


Your revenue per ticket is $20 for the first year after that it will go down to $15 per ticket. This will offset any renovation expense.


Would you like to be one of the exclusive locations in your city?


Theater owners must embrace new technology. We have the most advanced state-of-the-art technology for cinema owners to bring in new revenue. If you would like to reserve your theater as an exclusive location. Please confirm your interest. To maintain your position and learn more, simply schedule a call.


Secure Your Priority Position Fill Out Required Form 

After submitting the Required Form above.

CLICK HERE . to Book a call at your convenience in the Calendar.


If you want more information access our information website. CLICK HERE


New lounge seating is not enough to attract GenZ and Millennials. They are the future that must be entertained in a new way or they will stay home with gaming and VR headsets.

Roy Webb Productions, I, Delray Beach, Florida 33484, United States, I 561-667-1000

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